What is Hypnotherapy?
Despite its namesake and popular use in discourse, it is not another type of therapy in its own right, like cognitive-behavioural therapy.
Hypnosis is a tool that can be integrated into talk therapy where the hypnotherapist invites you to intentionally focus your attention on an experience in order to amplify and utilise your personal resources towards a therapeutic goal.
Think of it as a vehicle with which the therapy is delivered and worked through.
Have you ever been absorbed in a daydream, a book, a movie, or simply scrolling on your phone? It’s a bit like that but the differences are on the intention.
How can it help?
The unconscious mind holds our memories, skills, and resources, which can sometimes be challenging to access due to habitual patterns. Hypnosis broadens your perspective and unlocks these memories and resources, making it easier to embrace positive suggestions and reconnect with your innate creativity. Through this process, you can perceive things from different angles, discover novel approaches, and explore the possibility for emotional transformation.
Have you ever imagined a negative scenario and noticed your body reacting as if it were real? Our beliefs, perceptions, and interpretations shape our lives significantly. Hypnosis taps into the imagination's true potential, enabling creative problem-solving, generative ideas, and profound insights, ultimately empowering you to lead the life you desire.