Frequently Asked Questions
I charge £60 per 1-hour ONLINE session and £70 per 1-hour FACE-to-FACE session.
For more information, check out the Fees page
It’s completely understandable that you may have this apprehension given what circulates in the media and what you may have heard about stage hypnotism.
Rest assured, hypnotic practice in a therapeutic setting is carried out safely and ethically. I have training through the NCHP, a reputable institution. You will be in full control of your actions and will not be made to say or do anything that you don’t want to.
The number of sessions will depend on the presenting issue and what other concerns you may have regarding how you are progressing and how you are finding life as we work through the sessions.
As a general rule of thumb, I tend to set an initial 6-session baseline to review where we are in our work and moving towards your desired outcomes. Ultimately, my job is to eventually work myself out of being needed.
I acknowledge that there may be occasions when appointments need to be rescheduled, and I make an effort to accommodate such requests by being as flexible as possible with appointment times. However, I do require a minimum of 48 hours' notice for cancellations. If a cancellation is made with less than 48 hours' notice, I will not offer a refund. This policy is in place to ensure that available appointments can be offered to others who may also be in need of them. In the case of a late cancellation due to an unforeseen emergency, I will exercise best judgement as to appropriate next steps.
Under exceptional circumstances, if I must cancel an appointment, I will make every effort to provide at least 72 hours' notice. Nevertheless, if unforeseen circumstances arise and I am unable to reach you personally, my supervisor, who is UKCP accredited, will have access to your contact information to ensure your continued care.
Some therapists post testimonials on their websites, however, I abide by the UKCP Code of Ethics and testimonials are considered unethical. In order to comply with advertising standards, testimonials will need to be verified, which means breaching client confidentiality.
“I thought how unpleasant it is to be locked out; and I thought how it is worse, perhaps, to be locked in.”
— Virginia Woolf